Become a Persuasive Person – The Top 3 Negotiation Skills for Influencers

Become a Persuasive Person Negotiation

Negotiation skills are an important part of our everyday life, determining how we interact with colleagues, business partners and clients, as well as how we act within our personal relationships. How we manage these interactions impacts on the success of these relationships – and how effective we can be in getting what we want out of them. The good news is that anyone can learn to be a top negotiator with a little negotiation skills training – and that it’s not as difficult as you might think. Here are the three most important skills to develop if you want to have more influence in your business relationships, from the team of specialists at our training company in Randburg.

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  1. Being prepared: The majority of negotiations are won or lost before you enter the boardroom, so preparation and laying the right groundworks for your negotiation are essential. There are two main parts to this – firstly, getting as much information relevant to the negotiation as possible (knowing who you’ll be talking to, having a full understanding of the product/service, knowing the challenges the other party wants to overcome or the opportunities they want to realise), and thinking through the negotiation process itself to prepare for different approaches the other party will make towards you.
  2. Asking the right questions: Successful negotiators aren’t demanding, intimidating and pushy – they’re interested in the issue and concerned about understanding exactly what the other party wants from the negotiation. If you make talking about their needs a priority, you’ll have a good idea of what’s important to them as well as where they are more flexible. Once you know what their main concerns and objectives are, you’ll know how to push your own interests – and all this is achieved by asking the right questions.
  3. Being patient: Top negotiators never give the impression that they are under pressure, are running out of time, or that they are desperate for a deal to go through. A cool, calm and collected approach is essential to holding the upper hand – and that means being patient at all times. Critical to this is focusing first on common ground where both parties agree, creating the impression of progress and moving forward before tackling more challenging areas. It’s also about making sure that each party is clear on different aspects and terms before moving on to a new section, ensuring there’s no confusion or miscommunication.


Build Your Influence and Become A Powerful Negotiator with Our Business Negotiation Skills Training Course

At Maurice Kerrigan Africa, we’ve worked with top companies in diverse industries to train sales teams, management and leadership, empowering them to negotiate successfully and build influence in their industry. As part of our comprehensive offering, our one-on-one negotiation skills training courses include a 2-day Creative Negotiation Skills Course for beginner and intermediate levels as well as a 3-day Advanced Negotiations Skills Course to tackle even the most complex negotiation scenarios. To find out more about our business negotiation skills training courses and the other courses offered by our SETA accredited training company in Randburg, simply call +27 11 794 1251 or email