What If Your Message Has The Ability To Change Someone's Life?
Using any format for delivering your presentations, or speaking in meetings, this course will ensure that you are able to:
- Create presentations in less time and ensure that all ideas, facts and supportive arguments are arranged logically
- Design presentations that really hit the mark, realise maximum audience appeal, and better achieve your objectives
- Present details, including mundane and dreary facts, in a way that makes the audience pay attention and remember them afterwards
- Harness the power of body language and better vocal projection – including stance, movement, vocabulary, facial animation and the impact of pause
- Better apply visual aid support, and avoid the common pitfalls of making slides too 'busy' and allowing them to dominate presentations
- Make a well-prepared and rehearsed presentation appear as though it were being delivered off-the-cuff
- Put the 'WOW!' factor into any presentation or speech
- Manage nerves before and during a presentation, and turn nervous energy into an ally